Asus Eee PC tips, HOWTOs |
(Nederlandse versie) |
This is a new page (August 2008), separate from my Linux/Fedora tips
page, specifically for the Asus Eee PC netbook running Linux. I recently got the 4 GB 701 model, and so far am very happy with it. After trying to get used to the scrappy Xandros OS that comes with it, I decided to ditch it and install Eeedora instead: Fedora 8 on your Eee! I can highly recommend you do this, it turns your Eee netbook into a full-blown PC (some instructions given below). Update: Fedora on the Eee has come a long way. With instructions from the fedora-eee site I installed Fedora 12 on an Eee 901, which runs like a charm.
Initial setup
Multimedia Wireless access
Other useful info: Linux/Fedora tips, HOWTOs, Best Free Software list, and Windoze 2000 installation notes.