Linux tip, Fedora tip / howto: automatic mounting of samba drives during boot

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automatic mounting of samba drives during boot

  • make sure your /usr/bin/smbmnt is suid root:
    as root, run chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt
  • (as root) for each mount, add a line to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local (newfs is the name of the Samba server, for cs write the name of your workgroup):
    /usr/bin/smbmount //newfs/<user id> <mount point> -o username=<user id>,workgroup=cs,password=<password>,uid=<user id>,gid=<group id>
  • for example, I created a mount point (directory) /u/min on my local box (make sure the directory is owned by you)
  • you can find out your uid and gid by typing id on one of the public machines
  • important: make sure rc.local is owned by root, and run chmod 700 rc.local (you don't want any other user to read that file, as it has your password in plain text)

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