The night train from Lvov to Kiev

Here's some tracking data of about 50% of the night train route from Lvov to Kiev (train 92). It leaves at 22.47 from Lvov, stops only at Shepetovka, and arrives 07.23 the following morning in Kiev. The official distance is 572 km (the GPS tracks add up to 569.7 km, but some shortcuts were taken for the parts that were not tracked), giving an average speed of 66.5 km/hour. Presumably because of the bad condition of large track sections it can't go very fast.

As you can tell, I didn't track the whole trip. The bit in the middle was lost because my GPS (a Garmin Legend) lost its connection and I had fallen asleep :-).

Some useful Ukraine train links:
Schedules for Russian and Ukrainian trains
Our train on the above site
About the Ternopol train station (about 120 km ESE of Lvov)
Official Ukrainian railway site (in Russian and Ukrainian)

Date28-29 December 2007
Departure time22.47
Arrival time07.23 (next day)
Price96.87 griven (about 13 euros)
Distance572 km
Average speed66.5 km/h
Top speed101 km/h (right before Nemishaieve, about 33 km WNW of Kiev)
Intermediate stopsShepetovka (02.47)

Click on the picture for a Google Earth KMZ file of this train trip, with (for about 50% of the trip) the speed visualized in 1 minute intervals. In the northwest section of this picture I overlayed the Dutch province North-Holland (Noord Holland) at the same scale.

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A ticket for two people for this trip: