setenv PATH .:${PATH}:/home/eeedora/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin umask 022 limit coredumpsize 0 set filec fignore=(.o .obj .class) nobeep notify set nobeep unset ignoreeof alias h history alias dir ls -F -l alias dth "ls -l -t -h | head" # The following six lines give you a prompt # showing the last 2 portions of the directory # you're in. set Host=`uname -n` alias rp 'set cwd1="${cwd:h}";set prompt=$Host":"${cwd1:t}/${cwd:t}"#"\!\ "-> "' alias cd 'cd \!*; rp' alias pushd 'pushd \!*; rp' alias popd 'popd; rp' rp