open a terminal:
if you're on Windows: click “Start”, then type “cmd” (+ Enter)
on a Mac: press Command + Space, type “terminal” (+ Enter)
on Linux: you'll know how to open a terminal

change to the directory where you downloaded binvox (typically your Downloads
run binvox
without parameters to see a usage summary
on Mac/Linux you may first have to run chmod 755 binvox
once, to make the file executable
find and download a 3D model you want to voxelize (you could search “download 3d models” in Google)
make sure it's in a format that binvox supports
let's voxelize using the default methods (z-buffer based carving and parity voting), to a voxel grid of 128 x 128 x 128 voxels:
type in the terminal: binvox -d 128 mug.ply
(+ Enter)
a 128 x 128 window should open showing the mug from 6 directions, first briefly in white, then slice by slice in yellow and orange
a file mug.binvox
has been created (or mug_1.binvox
, mug_2.binvox
, and so on, if this file already existed in the directory)
you can view it using “viewvox”: if you downloaded viewvox to the same directory, run it with viewvox mug.binvox